Township of Southgate
Council Meeting Agenda

Holstein Council Chambers

As we gather, we recognize and acknowledge the traditional keepers of this land with whom we share today. The Township of Southgate is a part of the traditional territories of the Anishinaabek, Six Nations of the Grand River, Saugeen Ojibway Nation, Haudenosaunee, and Saugeen Métis. The land that surrounds us is part of who we are as it reflects our histories; may we live in peace and friendship with all its diverse people.

If you wish to speak at Open Forum please register in advance of the meeting by email to 

  • Be it resolved that Council confirm the agenda as presented.



The Purpose of the application is to rezone 7918 square metres of the subject lands to permit a 750 square metre dry manufacturing workshop and 500 square metres outdoor storage for a proposed on farm diversified use. A 150 square metre agricultural shed with combined power room is to be constructed along with a livestock barn and new farmhouse.
The Effect of the proposal is to rezone 7918 square metres of the subject lands to permit a 750 square metre dry industrial workshop and related 500 square metre storage as an on farm diversified use secondary to an agricultural use on-site including a new farmhouse and livestock barn.

  • Be it resolved that Council approve the minutes from the November 20, 2024 Council and Closed Session meetings as presented.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report EDO2024-013 be received for information; and
    That Council approve Southgate Eye Care for Community Improvement Plan funding for planning fees and structural improvements to the property located at 20 Main St E, Dundalk in the amount totalling $10,500 on condition that the applicant receive all applicable Planning and Building Approvals.

  • Motion # 1

    Be it resolved that Staff Report CL2024-040 be received for information; and
    That Council waive Section 30.1 of Procedural By-law 2022-015, and direct staff to amend the Procedural By-law, if required, to allow for the approved option to be implemented.

  • Motion # 2

    Be it resolved that Council direct staff to implement Option 1, as presented, for the 2025 Council Meeting Schedule. 

  • Motion # 3

    Be it resolved that Council direct staff to implement Option 2, as presented, for the 2025 Council Meeting Schedule.

  • Motion # 4

    Be it resolved that Council direct staff to implement Option 3, as presented, for the 2025 Council Meeting Schedule.

  • Motion # 5

    Be it resolved that Council direct staff to implement Option 4, as presented, for the 2025 Council Meeting Schedule.

  • Motion # 6

    Be it resolved that Council direct staff to implement Option 5, as presented, for the 2025 Council Meeting Schedule.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report PW2024-041 be received for information; and
    That Council endorses and approves the 2024-2025 Southgate Winter Operational Plan.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report CAO2024-023 be received for information; and
    That Council direct staff to secure a loan for unfinanced capital from 2024 in the amount of $4,066,295.00 for Victoria Street Rehabilitation Phase 2; and
    That Council approve financing option 1, for a one-year term fixed rate loan at 4.64%, with a 10-year amortization; and
    That council consider the adoption of a borrowing by-law to authorize the loan.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-147 being a by-law to authorize a bank loan agreement with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report HR2024-007 be received for information; and
    That Council approve the renewal of the Health and Safety Policy #33A for the 2024-2025 period; and
    That the Mayor sign the Health and Safety Policy Statement for the 2024-2025 period.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report HR2024-008 be received for information; and
    That Council approve the COLA increase of 2% to the 2025 Staff Pay Grid effective the first full pay period of 2025; and
    That Council approve the COLA increase of 2% to the 2025 Council Pay Grid and Volunteer Firefighter Pay Grid, effective January 1, 2025; and
    That Council approve the COLA increase of 2% to all effected agreements and other Township established inflationary conditions, effective January 1, 2025; and
    That Council approve a one step pay band increase for eligible employees, effective the first full pay period of 2025.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report FIN2024-020 be received for information; and
    That Council approve the transfer of $150,000.00 in the 2024 capital budget from the Replacement of Financial Software project to fund the Upgrading Required IT infrastructure project identified in this report; and
    That Council direct staff to use any outstanding balance of these funds to begin an IT infrastructure reserve that can be contributed to annually for major IT infrastructure replacements.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report PL2024-101 regarding proposed Xplore Communications Tower Application (ON8409) File C27-24 for 084231 Southgate Road 8 be received for information; and
    That the proponent and Industry Canada be advised that the municipal land use consultation process has been completed according to the Township’s Telecommunication Facility Policy; and
    That the proponent and Industry Canada be advised the proposed tower does not provide a 55 metre setback from side and front lot lines (Southgate Road 8) recommended by Township Policy.
    That the proponent’s November 9, 2024, setback exemption request is received; and
    That should Industry Canada approve the proposed telecommunications tower that upon receipt of a letter of undertaking from the proponent permitting the Township to install radio communication equipment on the proposed facility if needed, that Council’s resolution will be forwarded advising the proponent and Industry Canada that the Township policy requiring public consultation has been completed and that installation shall meet all other policy requirements such as buffering/screening and obtaining an entrance permit and 911 emergency number if needed.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report PL2024-102 for the proposed Xplore Communications Tower Application (ON8410) File C28-24 245019 Southgate Road 24 be received for information; and
    That the proponent and Industry Canada be advised that the municipal land use consultation process has been completed according to the Township’s Telecommunication Facility Policy; and
    That the proponent and Industry Canada be advised the proposed tower location does not provide a 55 metre setback from the unopened Sideroad 3 road allowance recommended in Township policy; and
    That upon receipt of a letter of undertaking from the proponent permitting the Township to install radio communication equipment on the proposed facility if needed, that Council’s resolution will be forwarded advising the proponent and Industry Canada that the Township concurs with the proposed facility subject to obtaining an entrance permit if needed and a replacement 911 emergency number for the subject lands.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report PL2024-103 for the proposed Xplore Communications Tower (ON8457) on lands at 223044 Southgate Road 22 (C29-24) be received for information; and
    That the proponent and Industry Canada be advised that the municipal land use consultation process has been completed according to the Township’s Telecommunication Facility Policy; and
    That the proponent and Industry Canada be advised the proposed tower location does not provide a 55 metre setback from Southgate Road 22 recommended in Township policy; and
    That upon receipt of a letter of undertaking from the proponent permitting the Township to install radio communication equipment on the proposed facility if needed, that Council’s resolution will be forwarded advising the proponent and Industry Canada that the Township concurs with the proposed facility subject to obtaining an entrance permit and 911 emergency number if needed.

  • Be it resolved that Staff report PL2024-104 regarding Application to Remove Holding Provisions in Zoning By-law Amendment 2024-050 Harvir Khakh 221 Doyle Street, is received for information; and
    That Council consider the conditions related to the placing of the holding zone in By-law 2024-050 being met, and
    That Council approve By-law 2024-145 to remove the holding provision for lands in the Residential Type 3 Exception 559 (R3-559) Zone.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-145 being a By-law to remove Holding Provisions established in Zoning By-law No. 19-2002, of the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-143 being a by-law to appoint a Building Inspector for the Corporation of the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-144 being a by-law to appoint Municipal By-law Enforcement Officers for the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-146 being a by-law to provide for the interim tax levies for the 2025 fiscal year be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that Council receive the items on the Resolutions of other Municipalities consent agenda dated December 4, 2024 (save and except items _____) as information. 

  • Be it resolved that Council proceed into closed session at [TIME] in order to address matters relating to Litigation or Potential Litigation, Including Matters Before Administrative Tribunals, Affecting the Municipality or Local Board (Sec 239(2)(e))(Subject: Litigation Update); and
    That all those required remain in attendance.

  • Be it resolved that Council proceed out of Closed Session at [TIME].

Litigation or Potential Litigation, Including Matters Before Administrative Tribunals, Affecting the Municipality or Local Board (Sec 239(2)(e))(Subject: Litigation Update)

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-148 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Southgate at its regular meeting held on December 4, 2024 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Council adjourn the meeting at [TIME].

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