Whereas many Native Maple trees that were planted in the late 19th century in return for government incentive are degrading and disappearing from the landscape of rural Southern Ontario due to them not being replaced with Native Canadian Maples; and
Whereas it is important to re-introduce and further restore Native Maples as a visual feature on the rural landscapes in Southern Ontario as they are naturally adapted to the local climate, site conditions and growing with other indigenous species, are relatively resistant to severe weather events, and they have evolved with local insects and disease pathogens; and
Whereas Maple Leaves Forever (https://mapleleavesforever.ca) encourages municipalities and planting agencies throughout Ontario and Canada to commit to planting Native Maples whenever a Maple is called for in municipal planting projects; and
Whereas the Township of Southgate has been choosing Native Maples in their plantings when appropriate to do so; and
Whereas, in recognition for our commitment, the Township would be eligible for rebates/discounts when planting Native Maples and placed on the Maple Leaves Forever Honor Roll.
Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Township of Southgate recognizes the importance of the Native Maple tree, Canada’s arboreal emblem, and commits to always plant Native Maples whenever a maple is called for in any municipal planting project; and
That this resolution be forwarded to Maple Leaves Forever for recognition, Conservation Ontario, and Ontario municipalities.