Township of Southgate
Council Meeting Agenda

Holstein Council Chambers

As we gather, we recognize and acknowledge the traditional keepers of this land with whom we share today. The Township of Southgate is a part of the traditional territories of the Anishinaabek, Six Nations of the Grand River, Saugeen Ojibway Nation, Haudenosaunee, and Saugeen Métis. The land that surrounds us is part of who we are as it reflects our histories; may we live in peace and friendship with all its diverse people.

If you wish to speak at Open Forum please register in advance of the meeting by email to 

  • Be it resolved that Council confirm the agenda as presented.



The Purpose of the application is to zone the subject lands to permit:
• Covering an existing 240.8 square metre concrete pad used for manure storage
• A future pit silo with possible cover west of the existing barn.
Both the covered concrete pad and future pit silo would be 4.6 metres minimum from the north lot line. A Minimum Distance Calculation (MDS) requires a minimum 6 metre setback to the nearest lot line. The Agricultural -1 (A1) Zone for the subject lands requires a minimum yard (setback) of 15 metres.
The Effect is to zone to permit the existing concrete pad used for manure storage to be covered and to allow a future pit silo with possible cover a minimum 4.6 metres from the north lot line when the A1 zone requires 15 metres setback and the MDS setback required is 6 metres.

  • Be it resolved that Council approve the minutes from the December 4, 2024 Council and Closed Session meetings as presented; and
    That Council approve the minutes from the December 6, 2024 Council and Closed Session meetings are presented.

  • Be it resolved that Council proceed into closed session at [TIME] in order to address matters relating Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations (Sec239(2)(d))(Subject: HR Matters); and
    That all those required remain in attendance. 

  • Be it resolved that Council proceed out of Closed Session at [TIME].

Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations (Sec239(2)(d))(Subject: HR Matters)

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-156 being a by-law to appoint an Interim Chief Administrative Officer for the Corporation of the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-157 being a by-law to appoint a Deputy Clerk for the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report PL2024-105 Application for Amending Site Plan Agreement SP12-24 John M. S. and Annie Martin, 146024 Southgate Road 14 for information; and
    That Council approve By-law 2024-149 to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a site plan amending agreement with John M. S. Martin and Annie Martin for lands at 146024 Southgate Road 14, Concession 10, Pt Lot 23, Proton.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-149 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Control Amending Agreement be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report PL2024-106 Application for Site Plan Agreement Approval SP13-24 Trustees of the Old Order Mennonite Conference, 144668 Southgate Road 14 for information; and
    That Council approve By-law 2024-150 to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a site plan agreement with the Trustees of the Old Order Mennonite Conference for lands at 144668 Southgate Road 14, Part of Lot 27, Concession 13, Egremont Parts 3 and 4 on Plan 16R11907 Southgate.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-150 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Staff report PL2024-107 regarding Application to Remove Holding Provisions in Zoning By-law Amendment 2023-038 Trustees of the Old Order Mennonite Conference, 144668 Southgate Road 14 is received for information; and
    That Council consider the conditions related to the placing of the holding zone in By-law 2024-038 being met, and
    That Council consider By-law 2024-151 to remove the holding provision for lands in the Community Facilities (CF) Zone.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-151 being a By-law to remove Holding Provisions established in Zoning By-law No. 19-2002, of the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report PL2024-108 for file C30-24 Christian Bauman 752334 Ida Street be received for information; and
    That Council approve By-law 2024-142 to rezone 752334 Ida Street to permit a 750 square metre On-Farm Diversified Use (workshop), 500 square metre outdoor storage, and 150 square metre agricultural shed with combined power room; and
    That Site Plan Approval apply to the On-Farm Diversified Use (OFDU).

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-142 being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 19-2002, entitled the "Township of Southgate Zoning By-law" be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report PL2024-109 Application for Site Plan Agreement SP13-20 Southgate Renewables Holding Corp., 150 Eco Parkway for information; and
    That Council approve By-law 2024-155 to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a site plan agreement with Southgate Renewables Holding Corp for lands at 150 Eco Parkway, Part Lot 237, 238 Concession 2 SWTSR Proton.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-155 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report EDO2024-014 be received for information; and
    That Council approve the commencement of the Downtown Revitalization Program for the town of Dundalk.

  • Be it resolved that Staff Report CL2024-039 be received for information; and
    That Council authorize internet and telephone voting as the voting method for the 2026 municipal and school board election by enactment of By-law 2024-154.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-154 being a by-law to authorize the use of internet and telephone voting as an alternative voting method for the 2026 municipal election be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-153 being a by-law to appoint a building inspector for the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Whereas many Native Maple trees that were planted in the late 19th century in return for government incentive are degrading and disappearing from the landscape of rural Southern Ontario due to them not being replaced with Native Canadian Maples; and
    Whereas it is important to re-introduce and further restore Native Maples as a visual feature on the rural landscapes in Southern Ontario as they are naturally adapted to the local climate, site conditions and growing with other indigenous species, are relatively resistant to severe weather events, and they have evolved with local insects and disease pathogens; and
    Whereas Maple Leaves Forever ( encourages municipalities and planting agencies throughout Ontario and Canada to commit to planting Native Maples whenever a Maple is called for in municipal planting projects; and
    Whereas the Township of Southgate has been choosing Native Maples in their plantings when appropriate to do so; and
    Whereas, in recognition for our commitment, the Township would be eligible for rebates/discounts when planting Native Maples and placed on the Maple Leaves Forever Honor Roll.
    Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Township of Southgate recognizes the importance of the Native Maple tree, Canada’s arboreal emblem, and commits to always plant Native Maples whenever a maple is called for in any municipal planting project; and
    That this resolution be forwarded to Maple Leaves Forever for recognition, Conservation Ontario, and Ontario municipalities.

  • Be it resolved that Council proceed into closed session at [TIME] in order to address matters relating Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations (Sec239(2)(d)) and Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Local Board Employees (Sec239(2)(c))(Subject: HR Matters), and Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Local Board Employees (Sec239(2)(c))(Subject: HR Update); and
    That all those required remain in attendance.

  • Be it resolved that Council proceed out of Closed Session at [TIME].

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-158 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Southgate at its regular meeting held on December 18, 2024 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Council adjourn the meeting at [TIME].