Township of Southgate
Addendum Council Meeting Agenda

Holstein Council Chambers

As we gather, we recognize and acknowledge the traditional keepers of this land with whom we share today. The Township of Southgate is a part of the traditional territories of the Anishinaabek, Six Nations of the Grand River, Saugeen Ojibway Nation, Haudenosaunee, and Saugeen Métis. The land that surrounds us is part of who we are as it reflects our histories; may we live in peace and friendship with all its diverse people.

If you wish to speak at Open Forum please register in advance of the meeting by email to 

  • Be it resolved that Council confirm the agenda as presented.



The County has received an application for a plan of subdivision (County file number 42T-2024-07), known as Ida Street Subdivision. The proposed plan of subdivision consists of 321 residential units, including 266 single detached units, 52 townhouses, and 3 ‘future residential’ units. New municipal roads will be constructed to service the proposed lots, including new road access from Ida Street, as well as two new public road entrances from County Road 9. The Traffic Impact Study has recommended that a new roundabout be constructed at the intersection of County Road 9 and Ida Street.
Full municipal water and sewer services are proposed for this development. Two park blocks have been incorporated into the current design, including a ~0.8 hectare block that will have walking trail connections to Ida Street; and an additional 1.2 hectare block that will be contiguous with 5 hectares of ‘Township Lands’ identified in Block 286. A 10-hecatre area of ‘Open Space’ lands will be reserved on the south-western portion of the site, which is anticipated to remain designated as ‘Hazard Lands.’ Finally, two stormwater management blocks have been identified on the northern and southern portions of the site.

  • Be it resolved that Council approve the minutes from the September 4, 2024 Council and Closed Session meetings as presented.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report CL2024-034 for information; and
    That Council approve the minutes from the September 9, 2024 Township of Southgate Community Fund Management Committee; and
    That Council disband the Southgate Community Fund Management Committee effective September 18, 2024; and
    That Council endorse the Community Foundation Grey Bruce Southgate Community Fund Management Terms of Reference Policy; and
    That Council appoint _________________ to sit as a member of the Community Foundation Grey Bruce Southgate Community Fund Management Committee; and
    That the appointed Committee member be compensated in accordance with the Township of Southgate Policy # 21 Council Member Compensation, Expenses and Meeting Claims, Guidance and Approval Policy.

  • Be it resolved that Staff report CL2024-035 be received for information; and
    That Council consider approval of By-law 2024-114 being a by-law to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with Anson and Catherine Lewis to purchase lands to be used for the expansion of the Holstein Pit.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-114 being a by-law to authorize a purchase and sale agreement between Anson and Catherine Lewis and the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that Staff report HR2024-005 be received for information; and
    That Council consider approval of By-law 2024-115 to approve Policy #97 – Child Protection Policy.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-115 being a by-law to adopt the "Child Protection Policy" known as Policy Number 97 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that Council receive staff report PW2024-035 for information; and
    That Council direct staff on the preferred option, and
    That Council consider the preferred option in the 2025 Capital Budget process.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report PL2024-081 Application for Site Plan Approval SP5-24 Mel-Mar Industries Inc. for information; and
    That Council approve By-law 2024-112 to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign a site plan agreement with Mel-Mar Industries Inc. for lands at 126282 Southgate Road 12, Concession 8, Lot 28 to 29 former Township of Proton.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-112 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.


  • Be it resolved that Council approve the items on the Regular Business consent agenda dated September 18, 2024 (save and except items _____) and direct staff to proceed with all necessary administrative actions.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive the items on the Correspondence consent agenda dated September 18, 2024 (save and except items _____) as information. 

  • Be it resolved that Council proceed into closed session at [TIME] in order to address matters relating to Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Local Board Employees (Sec 239(2)(b)) and Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations (Sec 239(2)(d))(Subject: Service Delivery Model), and Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Local Board Employees (Sec 239(2)(b))(Subject: CAO Review); and
    That all those require remain in attendance. 

  • Be it resolved that Council proceed out of Closed Session at [TIME].

Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal and Local Board Employees (Sec 239(2)(b)) and Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations (Sec 239(2)(d))(Subject: Service Delivery Model)


Personal Matters About an Identifiable Individual, Including Municipal or Local Board Employees (Sec 239(2)(b))(Subject: CAO Review)

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2024-113 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Southgate at its regular meeting held on September 18, 2024 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Council adjourn the meeting at [TIME].

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