Township of Southgate
Council Meeting Agenda

Electronic Participation

If you wish to listen to the Council meeting electronically please wait until the start time of the meeting, then dial in with your phone using the following information:
Phone Number: 1 (647) 497-9373
Access Code: 990 - 730 - 221 #

As we gather, we recognize and acknowledge the traditional keepers of this land with whom we share today. The Township of Southgate is a part of the traditional territories of the Anishinaabek, Six Nations of the Grand River, Saugeen Ojibway Nation, Haudenosaunee, and Saugeen Métis. The land that surrounds us is part of who we are as it reflects our histories; may we live in peace and friendship with all its diverse people. 

If you wish to speak at Open Forum please register with the Clerk in advance of the meeting by email to 

  • Be it resolved that Council confirm the agenda as presented.

  • Be it resolved that Council approve the minutes from the December 1, 2021 Council and Closed Session meeting as presented; and
    That Council approve the minutes from the December 8, 2021 Special Council and Closed Session meetings as presented.

  • Be it resolved that Council received Staff Report FIN2021-043 Fees and Charges as information; and
    That Council consider By-law 2021-188, being a by-law to establish fees and charges for certain services provided by the Township of Southgate for approval.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-188 being a by-law to establish fees and charges for certain services provided by the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report FIN2021-044 Appointment of Auditor as information; and
    That Council appoint BDO Canada LLP as the auditor of the annual financial statements for the fiscal years of 2021 and 2022.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report CL2021-038 as information; and
    That Council approve the 2022 Council Meeting Calendar, as presented; and
    That Council direct the Clerk to bring back necessary amendments to the Procedural By-law regarding meeting times and any other recommended updates.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report CL2021-039 for information; and
    That Council approve awarding the 2022 Municipal Elections Internet and Telephone Voting Services contract to Scytl Canada Inc.; and
    That Council approves the Clerk accepting the proposal from Scytl Canada Inc. on behalf of the Township.

  • Whereas Ontario Regulation 380/04: Standards under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act sets the municipal standards for emergency management programs in Ontario and requires municipalities to conduct an annual exercise with their Emergency Control Group in order to evaluate the municipality’s emergency response plan and procedures, O. Reg. 380/04, s. 12 (6);
    Whereas Emergency Management Ontario previously granted municipalities exemption for the annual exercise requirement when the municipality experienced an actual emergency with documented proof of the municipality actively engaging their emergency management procedures and plan in response to the emergency;
    Whereas on August 5, 2021 the Chief, Emergency Management Ontario issued a memo to Community Emergency Management Coordinators stating that effective immediately, the Chief, EMO would no longer be issuing exemptions to the O. Reg. 380/04 requirement to conduct an annual exercise;
    Whereas municipalities experience significant costs and burden to staff resources when faced with the response to an actual emergency and activation of their Emergency Control Group and/or Emergency Operations Centre;
    Whereas a municipality’s response to an actual emergency is more effective than an exercise in evaluating its emergency response plan and procedures as mandated by O. Reg. 380/04;
    Whereas planning, conducting and evaluating an emergency exercise requires significant time and effort for the Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Municipal Emergency Control Group that is duplicated when the municipality experiences a real emergency;
    Now Therefore Be It Resolved That the Corporation of the Township of Southgate hereby requests the Province of Ontario to amend Ontario Regulation 380/04 under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to provide an exemption to the annual exercise requirement for municipalities that have activated their Emergency Control Group and/or Emergency Response Plan in response to an actual emergency that year in recognition of the significant resources used to respond to the emergency and the effectiveness of such response in evaluating the municipality’s emergency response plan and procedures; and
    That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Sylvia Jones, Solicitor General, Grey-Bruce MPP Bill Walker, and all other municipalities in Ontario.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report PW2021-058 for information; and
    That Council consider approving the Southgate Special Public Event and Road Closure Policy No. 91 as presented; and
    That Council consider approval of the Policy #91 by municipal By-Law 2021-185

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-185 being a by-law to adopt a "Special Events and Road Closure Policy" known as Policy Number 91 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that Council receive staff report CAO2021-084 as information; and
    That Council approve the SEGCHC-Southgate Land Lease Agreement document as presented; and
    That Council consider approving the SEGCHC-Southgate Land Lease Agreement by municipal By-law 2021-175 at the December 15th, 2021 meeting.

  • Be is resolved that by-law number 2021-175 being a by-law to authorize an agreement between South-East Grey Community Health Services and the Corporation of the Township of Southgate be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report CAO2021-085 as information; and
    That Council approve that staff continue to develop the Southgate Climate Change Action Strategy Plan Report document that includes a list of actionable items for each department related to municipal infrastructure improvements to create resiliency, procurement improvements, energy efficiency upgrades as well as strategies to reduce energy consumption, Council and staff education & training, community-resident education, financial incentives to create action and policy changes to drive reductions in emissions; and
    That Council direct staff to create in 2022 an annual process to create a 5 year and eventually 10 year rolling Climate Change capital investments plan to identify specific actions, projects and policy change to create climate change improvements for our community; and
    That Council support staff in the creation of a Southgate Climate Change Action Committee of staff, including the Mayor or a designate to create progress of this work to develop change in our staff thinking and culture, that will include working with the Grey County Climate Change Manager Linda Swanston as a resource, educator and support and guidance for our committee work; and
    That the Southgate Climate Change Action Plan become a strategy going forward with Council to guide the Township as we make decisions on policy and projects, that will feed our future Asset Management Planning and the Capital-Special Project Budget decisions made annually.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report CAO2021-086 as information; and
    That Council direct staff to continue to work to finalize the Draft Southgate-Team Town Hall Dundalk Olde Town Hall Cultural Space Financial Commitment and Use Partnership Agreement with Team Town Hall; and
    That Council direct staff to send the final drafted Southgate-Team Town Hall Dundalk Olde Town Hall Cultural Space Financial Commitment and Use Partnership Agreement with Team Town Hall acceptance to our lawyer for review; and
    That Council direct staff to bring back the final version of the Southgate-Team Town Hall Dundalk Olde Town Hall Cultural Space Financial Commitment and Use Partnership Agreement for Council approval and consider approval by Municipal By-law at the January 19, 2022 meeting.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report CAO2021-087 as information; and
    That Council direct staff to continue to work to finalize the Draft Dundalk Olde Town Hall Building Property Purchase and Sale Agreement with Wellington Capital Corporation, which includes the property sale conditions, a listing of the building’s capital projects to be completed for public occupancy and a facility lease of the cultural space to the Township of Southgate from Wellington Capital Corporation as the landlord; and
    That Council direct staff to send for legal review the final drafted Dundalk Olde Town Hall Property Sale Agreement with Wellington Capital Corporation, which includes the Building Cultural Space Lease Agreement to the Township of Southgate with Wellington Capital Corporation as the landlord following their preliminary acceptance of these complimentary agreements; and
    That Council direct staff to bring back the final version of the Dundalk Olde Town Hall Property to Wellington Capital Corporation and Building Cultural Space Lease Agreement for Council approval and consider to approve by Municipal By-law at the January 19, 2022 meeting.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive staff report CAO2021-088 as information; and
    That Council provide staff with direction and/or feedback on applying for Minister delegation requests at the Good Roads Conference in 2022.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive staff report HR2021-034 for information; and
    That Council approve a one step pay band increase for eligible employees, effective January 1, 2022; and
    That Council approve an additional or two step pay band increase for 3 eligible employees, effective January 1, 2022.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report HR2021-035 for information; and
    That Council approve updated Policy #8 Hiring Policy as presented; and
    That Council consider approval of the Policy #8 Hiring Policy by Municipal By-Law 2021-184.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-184 being a by-law to adopt a "Hiring Policy" known as policy number 8 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report HR2021-037 for information; and
    That Council approve the use of the Modernization Fund for replacement of planning laptop and technology.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report PL2021-103 for information; and
    That Council consider approval of By-law 2021-186.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-186 being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 19-2002, entitled the “Township of Southgate Zoning By-law” be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report PL2021-104 for information; and
    That Council consider approval of By-law 2021-183 authorizing the entering into a Site Plan Agreement.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-183 being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive Staff Report PL2021-095 for information; and
    That Council consider approval of By-law 2021-187.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-187 being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 19-2002, entitled the “Township of Southgate Zoning By-law” be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-100 being a by-law imposing special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act be read a first, second and third time and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-181 being a by-law to regulate Election Signs in the Township of Southgate. 

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-182 being a by-law to authorize an agreement between Kids and Us Community Childcare and Family Education Centres be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book. 

  • Whereas Council approved resolution number 2019-794 at the December 4, 2019 regular meeting of Council directing staff to provide notice to Saugeen Mobility and Regional Transit (SMART) of the Township of Southgate's intention to withdraw from the SMART partnership as a member, and further recommended that member municipalities cooperatively explore amalgamation of services with Grey and Bruce Counties to deliver the SMART service; and
    Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic decreased the member municipalities time and efforts in exploring an amalgamation of services to deliver the SMART service; and 
    Whereas Council approved an extension of the SMART services for 2021 at the November 4, 2020 regular Council meeting by resolution number 2020-511 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 
    Therefore be it resolved that Council direct staff to provide notice to SMART to continue with the use of their services for 2022.

  • Be it resolved that Council receive the items on the Resolutions of other Municipalities consent agenda dated December 15, 2021 (save and except items _____) as information. 

  • Be it resolved that Council receive the items on the Closed Session consent agenda dated December 15, 2021 (save and except items _____) as information. 

Closed Session Consent Agenda Items - Agenda Item No.12.4

  • Be it resolved that by-law number 2021-189 being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Southgate at its regular meeting held on December 15, 2021 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk, sealed with the seal of the Corporation and entered into the by-law book.

  • Be it resolved that Council adjourn the meeting at [TIME].

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